Hello, this is Peter from UpCell Consulting!
In this video, I will show you how to export files from Salesforce with DataLoader. You can follow the steps with me, then adapt them to your needs and situation. Visit my website, you will find related videos on handling Files, creating, and modifying Reports and Dashboards.
Now, follow these simple steps on how to export files from Salesforce with DataLoader.
Let's get started!
Use Case
Attachments in Salesforce are records (files) that are linked to a Parent Object (ex: Account, Opportunity, Email, etc.). There might be a need to export the files (ex: daily/weekly/monthly for backup purposes) or to print out some documents generated in Salesforce via a VisualForce component.
Step 1: Login to DataLoader.io
Login to http://dataloader.io with your login to Salesforce or you can access the platform by going to Setup -> dataloader, then click on “Launch dataloarder.io” button.
Step 2: Create a New Task in Dataloader.io
Once logged in, click on “New Task” and select “Export” button from the available tasks.
Then, select the Object the files are attached to (ex: Opportunity).
Add the fields (click Select All) and add the Filter(s).
Don’t forget to add the Filter with the “+” icon.
You can schedule your task (if desired). You will also have the number of records that were found (in this case 674,450). Click “Save & Run”, and DataLoader will run the task.
Step 3: Export the files from DataLoader.io
When the task is completed, you can click on the task manager to Export the task and a compressed file will be exported.
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